Lung cancer is abnormal cells or a malignant tumour which grows in one or both of the lungs. A tumour that starts in the lung is known as a primary lung cancer. Tumours in the lung may also be due to cancer which has spread through the blood from another part of the body and these are often referred to as lung “secondary” or “metastases”.
The risk of getting lung cancer is increased by cigarette smoking, occupation exposures (such as asbestos, dust & chemicals), pollution (such as chemical, radiation and radon exposure) and genetics.
Lung cancer symptoms can be vague or common and may include:Pleasingly, there has recently been a government initiative to commence a screening program for lung cancer, to aid in the diagnosing this condition in its early stages. Diagnosis is usually made on a biopsy to confirm the type of lung cancer. This is often preceded by tests which may include: blood tests, CT scan/s, PET scan and sputum tests.
Treatment of lung cancer varies depending on the type of cancer and the extent of its spread. Common treatment options available include surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and immunotherapy.
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