Obstructive sleep apnea also known as OSA is a common sleep-related breathing problem. It occurs when there is partial or complete collapse/obstruction of the upper airway (i.e. throat) that results in reduced or no airflow through to the lungs. This is in turn causes reduced blood oxygen levels which leads to a brief interruption of sleep (called an arousal). These episodes can occur repeatedly over the course of the night and can last from as little as 3 seconds to almost a minute.
Several risk factors have been associated with OSA and include age, male sex, obesity, jaw/facial abnormalities and upper airway abnormalities.
The common symptoms of OSA include snoring, witnessed apneas (where pauses in breathing during sleep is noticed) and restless sleep. Some also experience choking or gasping for air during sleep. As a result, those suffering from OSA may also report daytime sleepiness including dozing off and napping, poor concentration and morning headaches.
Even though signs and symptoms described above may be suggestive of OSA, a formal diagnosis can only be made on an overnight sleep study. This is ideally performed in a hospital, although a home sleep study may be sufficient.
Treatment for OSA can range from conservative strategies including weight loss and avoiding sleeping on your back to an oral appliance (special dental splint) to continuous positive airways pressure (CPAP). OSA if left untreated has been associated with increased risk of developing hypertension (high blood pressure), heart attacks, stroke, diabetes, mood disorders and potential for motor vehicle accidents.  For any further enquiries or referrals,
please email us
on admin@sklungandsleep.com.au