Restless Legs Syndrome

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Restless Legs Syndrome Treatment in Melbourne

Restless Legs Syndrome

Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) is a common sleep-related movement disorder characterized by an often unpleasant or uncomfortable urge to move the legs that occurs during periods of inactivity.

RLS is usually worse in the evening but can also affect individuals when they lie down to sleep. This may mean that it is hard to fall asleep. Even if you do fall asleep, RLS may cause you to wake up several times during the night.

RLS is found in 2-5% of individual with the risk of developing RLS increases with age. Other risk factors for RLS include: family history / genetics, smoking, iron deficiency and increased caffeine / alcohol intake. Medical conditions such as chronic kidney disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, arthritis and Parkinson’s disease have also been linked to RLS.

There is no specific test to investigate RLS but it is usually noted on an overnight sleep study. Treatment for RLS ranges from lifestyle modifications, conservative management and medications. Lifestyle modifications include cutting down on caffeine/alcohol intake and smoking. Conservative strategies include walking, rubbing or massaging legs, using heat or ice packs and exercising. Replacing iron levels (if low) is important. Medications are often used as a last resort.


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